Friday 25 December 2015

Tethered Time versus Kitsch Infraordinary

Rarely has time been eulogised and barely even culture has been disparaged. Culture has been invented from kitsch to make generations' behaviour beautiful but time-invariant. Culture does not celebrate the unsettled dregs of intuiting individuals that ferment and spout unexpected florid expressions. There is a genre called horror for such people.

We raise hullabaloo when one culture throws bait at another. Look into how radical and rebellious are our stories and movies, and mostly you would find the un-tame-able protagonist turns into a tamed hero. One movie (Albert Pinto ko Gussa Kyon Aata Hai) where the protagonist is bent upon taunting everything he sees and owns, ends in losing his objectivity. Another example would be the poet Oliver Goldsmith ranting against depravity of capitalism and carpetbaggers in "The Deserted Village". Yet we see bespoke individuals who are not mis-directed and who make prolonged dedicated effort to enrich and grow science, art and business. These people including the iconic Silicon Valley gods puff airs but then they are galloping astride a steed called time.

A bespoke individual is ensnared by a dire possessive calling to tether - mind your own mind by your leave - and summon all internal forces upon a cause, and angrily distance from the circumstantial to find a mooring. Time is the only natural element - an adhesive if you will - that helps such individuals to re-inforce, variegate, synthesise and deliver an experience. It can be strong enough to bring lasting recogntion. These bespoke individuals accuse other individuals of failures and show strength to control the inputs and the output, regardless of who or what they sacrifice. Obviously they cannot sacrifice themselves. We can externally observe the pain of giving birth to an experience but not all such experiments succeed. Somewhere we are too much held back by our time-invariant culture to enter into the process of creativity and lighten the individual's burdening possessive call. There are therapies and medicines if you can afford it after failure.

Culture wants to worship its ownself through its followers. If you start behaving like a CEO and join the group of wannabe CEO s then you shall certainly become one. But if you want to discover bots and widgets, you have to unsheath your relationships and unbutton your behaviour, See the movie Birdman on how to do it.  Till such time that you succeed the people can call you an emperor without a kingdom, who is flaunting some exquisite concept.

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